Well it was really nice since I got to celebrate my birthday with a free lunch courtesy of UP ASCENT (Sorry if I was in a hurry and wasn't able to share more time with you guys) Anyway I enjoyed the lunch and I promised to treat them the next time we see each other.
Speaking of treats, I treated my friends from school with Cello's Donuts. I went there right after my demo teaching and it really felt good to treat friends even it feels bad on the pocket. Here's one out of the three boxes I bought for them.
Cello's Cheese, Chocnut, Cinnamon Crunch, Chocolate Sprinkles
Well it wasn't just all for my friends at school since one box went to my girlfriend Ciara and her classmates since they were working hard for a presentation. I had to admit I was a little hesitant to give one box because it might not be enough for the group, but of course they valued the thought more than anything else and appreciated the gift and shared it with everyone in the class.
After sharing all the love and donuts on my birthday, I took Ciara back to her home and on the way there we were talking to another good friend of mine: Shane. Though it was getting late it was really fun recounting all the memories back in school.
Arriving from home, I saw a brown envelope waiting for me on the table. I opened it and behold I had one of the best gifts for my birthday courtesy of Justin Meitz. It might not be intentional but the time it arrived was just perfect since it was my birthday, and I can't wait to watch it.
Well thanks to everyone who made this year's birthday a better one. Hopefully next year would even be better.
Thanks to all,