Jul 3, 2008

Back in College

I was searching for a certain CD in my all in one storage box when I found this CD that is the soft copy of our graduation pictures. I popped it inside the computer and there I saw my creative shot of a magician springing cards.

It has actually an interesting story because in the photo shoot I actually didn't bring a top hat and a coat for a costume because I was hoping that the studio has one. Unfortunately they don't have a hat and all the coats are over sized.

Well since I really didn't give the impression of a magician a lot of people especially the photographers kept on asking what is my costume all about. I just said that I'm a magician and they just couldn't see my point until one of them asked me to perform.

So I just started performing actually simple card tricks for them and I just couldn't believe how amazed they were. I was happy that I have proven my point that I'm a real magician not just a costumed guy. The best part is I also got to be nominated as one of the best creative shots.

Well I hope I could get back my other shots of me as a magician because there are a lot more not only this one.


Magic Academy, India said...

Dear friend,
Great blog!
Thanks for your tremendous effort in maintainign such a marvelous blog.
Whenever you are free, kindly visit: http://magicweekly.blogspot.com
Editorial staff
Magic Weekly, India

Jordan Pampliega said...

Thank you very much too for visiting my blog. Let's make magic and let's make it good always!

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